Maritime Biscuits

Maritime Biscuits

Biscuits are a comfort food around here. Serve them split with strawberries & cream, as a breakfast sandwich or simply buttered hot as they come straight out of the oven. 

We love them and you will too!

You can play with additions like dried fruit, herbs or cheese without changing the basic recipe.

If you like them thicker, just make them thicker. Just cook them a bit longer.



  • Preheat oven to 450 °
  • Empty biscuit mix into a large mixing bowl. 
  • Using the large grate side of a cheese grater, grate butter or shortening into the Biscuit Mix. If you don’t have a grater, you can cut your butter into thin slices or small chunks. 
  • Mix butter into biscuit mix until it is evenly combined. 
    • Important note - after the next step, do not knead or overwork your biscuits, this will make them tough (by developing the glutens. Good for bread, bad for biscuits). Don't worry too much your first time, but this is key to getting tender biscuits.
  • Add milk. Mix gently until everything is combined (about 15 stirs) to a rough dough. It will look shaggy, crumbly or maybe even dry, don't worry the next step will fix that. 
  • Turn out the biscuit dough onto a lightly-floured countertop and with your hands gently bring it all together into a smooth dough
  • Pat out into a flat rectangle about ¾” thick. Fold in half, (or cut in 1/2 and stack).Repeat 3 times. This is the key to making flaky biscuits! 
  • Pat out to ¾” thickness and cut into biscuits and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • collect the remaining dough together, and pat it out to about ¾” thick, and cut into more biscuits. 
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown.

How many biscuits you get out of a batch will depend on how big your big you make your biscuits, both in thickness and diameter.   

Don't want a full batch? No problem!

Biscuits for one or two are easy to make. Just make 1/3 of a batch, that's about: 

  • 1c Biscuit Mix
  • 5T butter or shortening. 
  • 1/3c milk

Follow the rest of the instructions above. 

Try Something New

  • Dumplings - make dumplings by mixing in a little extra liquid and just dropping them by the spoonful into a soup or stew. Mix in some spices before adding the milk to make herb dumplings.
  • Cobbler - use biscuits to top your fruit pie filling instead of pie dough and make a fruit cobbler. Generally this is made with no bottom crust. It's great with fresh berries and topped with a little sugar sprinkled on the biscuits before baking. 
  • Shepherd's Pie / Cottage Pie - try topping your shepherd's pie with biscuits instead of mashed potato. So good! 
  • Jam Drop Biscuit  - cut round biscuits, make a small indent in the top with enough room for a small spoonful of jam. Add jam and bake. 
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